Choreography: Moa Matilda Sahlin
Dancer: Minna Elif Wendin & Jannine Rivel & Moa Mathilda Sahlin
Context and background: The third wave of feminism har been followed by a countermovement. Sahlins choreographic vision is to generate hope. Evolution is a current team within arts. Sahlin is interested of the acceleration evolution where a character is evolved intron of our eyes. The debate about evolution biology is anchored in the knowledge of mirror neurons that can direct and produce emphatic aktion.
Performed at Atalante October 2012, Kåken December 2012, Textival March 2013, Dansbaren Dansbyrån April 2013
With support from Konstnärsnämden, Dansbyrån,WISP, Göteborg Stad, Atalante and Kåken